Surgical supply storage system

Integrated storage and supply system for hospital surgery

The modern hospital intelligent storage system realizes the trinity of operating room, decontamination center,/supply room, and storage center, and the intelligent management, access, configuration, and traceability of surgical materials, as well as information networking interaction. This system can also interface with other intelligent systems, such as HIS system, hand anesthesia system, intranet system, ERP system, financial management system, tracking system, etc., to achieve accurate management of item inventory and expiration date.

System characteristics

Space saving: Minimal footprint, multi access applications across floors

Material safety: safe and clean, meeting storage cleanliness requirements

Effortless operation: ergonomically designed

"Object to person": The system intelligently accesses continuously, without interference from each floor

Logistics docking: docking with transfer robots to achieve unmanned management throughout the process

Management mode: centralized closed-loop management of materials, multi-system linkage and automatic operation, scientific and efficient

Accurate control: one item, one code, full process barcode management, accurate review of outbound